Wednesday, May 28, 2014

One of my favorite pastime hobby

My hobby

Gardening has become my favorite hobby since last entry. I have been spending lots of time in the garden almost everyday except in rainy season.

~Fruiting vegetables~

The cucumber in the left photo is a fast growing creeping vegetables. This is the first time I planted it, but as I need to move sooner, it is sad I can't harvest till the end. The photo to the right display a young winter melon fruit. It young fruit is sweet while the ripe fruit is less sweet and will show a   layer of wax on it.

~Leafy vegetables~

The mustard on the left is a stem mustard, exhibit elongated  stem and large green leaves. Shown in the photo is still a young and 'under feed' plant..haha..


On the right side is the lettuce plant, it is quite hard to cultivate for me. I spend 2 months time to grown into this size. This plant need a lot of attention and care compare to creeper vegetables.