Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Current vege culture ^^

I have planted this once but it only grow into half the commercial bittergourd size. Wondering if the varieties is miniature gourd or it lack of fertilizers. Hope I have better luck next time =)

The vine spinach, Basella abba is one of the common backyard vegetables that are easy to cultivate. Another common cultivar which is Basella rubra with purplish stem and leaf veins.  A stem cutting would be sufficient for it to grow into a new plant. Add a generous amount of fertilizers, you can serve it on table before you know it (just a matter of days).

 This round I have planted a round little pumpkin. The fruit can grow very fast, and the photo above is just a matter of days after hand pollination. I have only one plant but it is sufficient because it generates 3 little pumpkins. 

The cucumber above is the first fruit & second round of successful farming. Hopefully, this year I can keep the first fruit until it turn browns for soup-making.

The above is a herb is called Thai basil, Ocimum basilicum var. thyrsiflora is a related species of sweet basil. It is a fast growing and hardy plant which can be propagate by seeds. It can be added to fish or chicken at the end of cooking or can be freshly diced to be added in sauce.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Damai beach outings

This is one of the popular beach near Kuching, Sarawak. It is open to public & free admission. Bus entrance also free, but charged RM2 for car. Its waves is kinda rough, but not those high waves for surfers. The bed floor is a little steep so you need to go out the sea a little further for swimming without waves interference. There is a sign stated clearly "swim at you own risk"

Pretty flower & fruits at the beach. The flower gives
a hint pleasant smell too

Vege culture II

Past time hobby

Healthily growing lettuce in my garden early of August. To grow large & healthy green vegetables, soil culture is very important to ensure nutrient is available for growth in an early stage, which in turn will affect the later stage.

Grand rapid lettuce is the commercial name given to this kind of lettuce above. It will gives a curvy on the edges of leaves which gives a very graceful display as vegetables or ornate plants. Mine a bit messy after a heavy rain and grass trimmings in the early month of November.

Above is the ever popular squash or some people like to call it pumpkin (okay maybe not so popular in Malaysia), but actual name is squash, or so I found out in the internet. I do not know if it really different in taste, for me they taste the same sweet flesh. I was lucky that my plants bears 3 fruits at once which may due to my hand pollination. They weight about 2.5 kg each and for the first timer, it is considered good harvest!!

Chinese chives are the common names but sometimes is called garlic chives which is exactly what it taste like. Above is the flower of the garlic chives which gives a pleasant fragrant with a hint of peppery smell. It is a very hardy plant but will not propagate readily if the soil is too hard.

Turmeric plants  is a rhizomatous herbaceous perennial plant but seldom people know that the young shoots of leaves can be consume. The young leaves gives a fresh turmeric flavor to the dish (normally poultry) which may be added as last ingredients to prevent over-cooked.

Random photo project

State Library of Kuching, Sarawak

The cloud at the time of the photo taken give away an imprinted look of postcards =)

The contrast look from our national flower hibiscus flower is so strong that seem like the contrast enhancement (auto mode in camera) created that vivid impression..

One and only one of flower plants in my gardens. This is the time when it blossoms the most in a hot and humid climate. The more heat, the more blossoms it bring out, sure bring out the joy from the sun!!

Weekend leisure

~Banana cake~

I'm so boring over the weekend that I keep steaming cakes for breakfast or as snacks during evening tea time. Yes, you read it right, "steam" cakes which a lot healthier and it won't burn up even you forgot to switch off the power..LOL..this is one of my successful attempts in steaming cakes..feel so proud XD