Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Current vege culture ^^

I have planted this once but it only grow into half the commercial bittergourd size. Wondering if the varieties is miniature gourd or it lack of fertilizers. Hope I have better luck next time =)

The vine spinach, Basella abba is one of the common backyard vegetables that are easy to cultivate. Another common cultivar which is Basella rubra with purplish stem and leaf veins.  A stem cutting would be sufficient for it to grow into a new plant. Add a generous amount of fertilizers, you can serve it on table before you know it (just a matter of days).

 This round I have planted a round little pumpkin. The fruit can grow very fast, and the photo above is just a matter of days after hand pollination. I have only one plant but it is sufficient because it generates 3 little pumpkins. 

The cucumber above is the first fruit & second round of successful farming. Hopefully, this year I can keep the first fruit until it turn browns for soup-making.

The above is a herb is called Thai basil, Ocimum basilicum var. thyrsiflora is a related species of sweet basil. It is a fast growing and hardy plant which can be propagate by seeds. It can be added to fish or chicken at the end of cooking or can be freshly diced to be added in sauce.

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