Thursday, April 25, 2013

Healthy steam cake ^^

~ Steamed choco cake ~                     First trial of steamed cake, hope can bake something fancy for my mum during mother's day!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


~ Successfully germinated seedling ~                The photo in the left are  germinated seedling belong to family Malvaceae and are known as lady's fingers or okra. The species which I planted recently is green color, and previously I have planted the red color which is new variety. ^_^

Monday, April 22, 2013

Lovely wild flower

~ Little wild purple flower ~

Found some wild flower behind office area..manage to grab it before the grass cutter trim all the grass in that area :)

Unusual refraction of natural lights

~ Photo that made my mood ~

Quick snap unusual refracted rays in the left corner of the cloud...

Monday, April 15, 2013

Tour at ease

- Night time -

Going for a night view in Civic Centre (Dewan Suarah Kuching). When reaching for the elevator, the elevator door automatically open and close. The movement automatically repeat each time, open and close, open and close. Seems like the sensor have broken down or others explanation. It felt eerie but I didn't speak up as not to freaked out my friends. Actually before I arrived at this location, I have ask my colleague show me the direction. I was told that there are a few suicide cases at this site...

       I gather my courage to go up and down few times to capture the night scenery with my friends that are not known to the cases. Unfortunately, I can't really get a clear shot as the elevator glass screen is obscured with dirt. When going up, I used the other elevator, as the one broken down can't even shut the door when press 'shut' button. I don't even dare to enter the broken down elevator the first time, but then when going down I lost my way and used the broken down elevator by accidents. Luckily nothing happened.

- Day 1 -

Celebrated my friend birthday in this beautiful beach called Permai beach (next to Damai beach). I hope that the scenery view there may capture my friend heart as much as I do.
There was this little shed by the beautiful seaside.....
After arrived at this amazing location, then I remember I didn't bring any cloth to changed for the water careless...? Nevertheless, it is still worthy to enjoy the tranquility and serenity of this place~
There is this resort near the beach which have swimming pool adjacent to the beach itself. I stealthily move around in the resort without any trouble..seem like I'm not being suspicious of outsider..I even lay myself on the beach chair staring at the sky (photo below).

Came up to this private place is such a fate..There's actually a sign of 'no trespassing' at the gate, but the gate is open. Inside, there are two small house and with some people hanging outside chatting. They notice our presence but did not acknowledge us. So, I spend some time taking in all the mother's nature have to offer which is so breathtaking~
Quick snap of the mesmerizing effect from the beach and the sky~
This beach area is at Santubong village there. The light from the sun is being smeared by the cottony cloud..

I suppose that is the boat the villagers use it to catch fish....
After watch some movie, realize that the temple is full of people. I felt so curious why in this time of the year the temple being fully my friend and I went inside to get a look of what's happening and we saw a lot of senior citizen having a singing, they are so enthusiasm singing the oldies song!

Thursday, April 11, 2013


The last ray of sun is being captured during the brief walk with my friend in Bintulu. Thinking of sunset, quite a few people have inquired me about the choice of sunrise and sunset, which one do I prefer. (a psychology questions perhaps) Basically, I much prefer sunset from sunrise because of the color changes during sunset is much warmer. But for the sunset marked the end of the day and sunrise marked the beginning of a new day, I would prefer the term 'new day' which bring new beginning rather the sunset which means end of a day, The term 'end'..seem rather sad......

Day 2-Taman Tumbina Bintulu
Taman Tumbina Bintulu is a park that host animals, birds, butterflies and plants kingdom. In the  park there, I sneakily pluck some fern plants to feed the cute deer and ostrich (in the photo below). They seem to want more and more food, which makes me wonder either they are not taking their meal yet or being under feed...

Ostrich picking on the fern leaves...look so elegant in the photo above..

Sharp look from the tiger behind the high fencing..but I still scared it might jump over after climb the I thought they are in the cat family, I supposed they can climb trees, can they?

Spotted the 'kucing hutan' (forest cat)..actually have been there 3 times include this time..but the first time is a few year ago..and the last time (second time), few months ago I saw it until now, the cage and the cats still in the same location..the cage is inside the tiger area (not that the tiger can reach over this side), don't know why they place it in such location..quite far from visitor's view...seem like pity looks in the eyes of the cat..

Quick snap of the wild forest fruits along the path to view the succulent plants. It seems very cute and may tangle in people's hair...haha...

Common ornamental plants that are planted in Asian countries, tolerant to heat and bloom can last for some available in few variants...

Hydrangae flower blossom....always love its pastel color...

Flower admiration along the path to succulent plants section.

Admire from top to

Little cherry blossom (sakura) in Malaysia!! is just some flower I discover nearby the butterfly area. Wonder what it is called...nice species...seem hardy...

Another kind of common ornamental plants found nearby the butterfly area. This white flower have a very soft petal and short lifespan..

The sunset scenery view from the Bintulu riverfront. A guy with DSLR camera is beside me taking many shots, seems like I need to step aside with my only digital camera...haha...he still engrossed in taking photos while I retreat to leave since it is getting darker..