Monday, April 15, 2013

Tour at ease

- Night time -

Going for a night view in Civic Centre (Dewan Suarah Kuching). When reaching for the elevator, the elevator door automatically open and close. The movement automatically repeat each time, open and close, open and close. Seems like the sensor have broken down or others explanation. It felt eerie but I didn't speak up as not to freaked out my friends. Actually before I arrived at this location, I have ask my colleague show me the direction. I was told that there are a few suicide cases at this site...

       I gather my courage to go up and down few times to capture the night scenery with my friends that are not known to the cases. Unfortunately, I can't really get a clear shot as the elevator glass screen is obscured with dirt. When going up, I used the other elevator, as the one broken down can't even shut the door when press 'shut' button. I don't even dare to enter the broken down elevator the first time, but then when going down I lost my way and used the broken down elevator by accidents. Luckily nothing happened.

- Day 1 -

Celebrated my friend birthday in this beautiful beach called Permai beach (next to Damai beach). I hope that the scenery view there may capture my friend heart as much as I do.
There was this little shed by the beautiful seaside.....
After arrived at this amazing location, then I remember I didn't bring any cloth to changed for the water careless...? Nevertheless, it is still worthy to enjoy the tranquility and serenity of this place~
There is this resort near the beach which have swimming pool adjacent to the beach itself. I stealthily move around in the resort without any trouble..seem like I'm not being suspicious of outsider..I even lay myself on the beach chair staring at the sky (photo below).

Came up to this private place is such a fate..There's actually a sign of 'no trespassing' at the gate, but the gate is open. Inside, there are two small house and with some people hanging outside chatting. They notice our presence but did not acknowledge us. So, I spend some time taking in all the mother's nature have to offer which is so breathtaking~
Quick snap of the mesmerizing effect from the beach and the sky~
This beach area is at Santubong village there. The light from the sun is being smeared by the cottony cloud..

I suppose that is the boat the villagers use it to catch fish....
After watch some movie, realize that the temple is full of people. I felt so curious why in this time of the year the temple being fully my friend and I went inside to get a look of what's happening and we saw a lot of senior citizen having a singing, they are so enthusiasm singing the oldies song!

- Day 2 -

          ~Kuching waterfront~ There's several ships that bring the passenger to cross the river. The boat is equip with motor engine as an example of modernization of today's world. Each trip cost RM0.50. The golden building behind is the DUN building of Sarawak state.

~The castle of Kuching~     Adjacent to the Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN)_Sarawak State Legislative Assembly. Its been early in the morning and cooling, great for making outdoor trips although not so nice to capture photos...haha...
~Square Tower~                          This lonely white building is also situated in the waterfront area.

The DUN building up close...they have such a nice structure and appearance...
~ ASTANA Bridge ~                                          This particular tree very eye catching...:)
~ Orchid Park ~
My next stop is the Orchid Park which situated not far from the DUN and ASTANA. There are many sharp looking flowers. I am not so into the orchid flowers, but some of it really catch my eyes with its bright colors.
This orchid species is quite unique with the wiry flower petal twisted all the way...
Twin flower that bloom together~
Some random photo to share~
 Some orchids that have been grown into hedges.
Some bright colored leaves plants seems like reflecting the sunlight~ ^ ^

Before my friend urging me to leave, I still manage to capture all the potted orchid plants shadow which looked attractive to me...XD

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