Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Gawai holiday 2013 continued..

An aqua-blue coloration of the lake in Bau, Sarawak
Entrance to the Gua Angin (direct translation => Wind Cave) 


Stalactite & Stalagmites


(left) adventurous dark path..... & (right)is it a bee hive..:p


(left) Skylight (nice name for a movie..lol...) & (right) classic root scene from surface plants...


Lots of bats & bats & bats & guano...

(left) Emerge into a forest after the cave exploring experience; (right) oil palm tree lining up
.......deserted pathway.........
~Another cave~

.....view from inside the cave.....


 (left) classic temple-in-cave view........

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