Wednesday, November 6, 2013


~My pastime hobby~

Fruiting plant

It takes a long time to germinate the eggplant below.....

 The tomato below only get mature fruits from flowering after 1 month....? 

Green vegetables


"keledek" leaves, direct translate => sweet potato leaves..? however, no potatoes underneath...haha...behind it is the "kangkung" => water spinach...all people said easy to plant, but mine seem mini type of the healthy plant....soil not good..? pls advise...
The right hand side photo is "sawi kerinting" => 'curly' musturd..? no idea, but tastes good, crunchy if it cooked for few seconds..XD, behind that is the "sawi bunga" => 'flowering' musturd...and at the corner of the upper right hand side is the "bayam" => spinach, common vege :)


My favourite "kacang botol", harvested 2 times...hardy plant and is a creeper type (recommend to plant in your garden) and long life span compare to other vegetables, not much pests at the moment..except the 'white flies'...if you know what I mean, most vegetables prone to that particular larva-insects...



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