Monday, November 11, 2013


~Episode 2 of Wild fruit~

I never know those fruit can be eaten before, how nice! It was introduced to me by a friend. Although I do not know its name (I mean the fruit, XD), but it sure give a good impression to me since it taste wonderful~ good thing I know it can be eaten, so while I'm a little hungry, I can hunt for those tiny little berries!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


~My pastime hobby~

Fruiting plant

It takes a long time to germinate the eggplant below.....

 The tomato below only get mature fruits from flowering after 1 month....? 

Green vegetables


"keledek" leaves, direct translate => sweet potato leaves..? however, no potatoes underneath...haha...behind it is the "kangkung" => water spinach...all people said easy to plant, but mine seem mini type of the healthy plant....soil not good..? pls advise...
The right hand side photo is "sawi kerinting" => 'curly' musturd..? no idea, but tastes good, crunchy if it cooked for few seconds..XD, behind that is the "sawi bunga" => 'flowering' musturd...and at the corner of the upper right hand side is the "bayam" => spinach, common vege :)


My favourite "kacang botol", harvested 2 times...hardy plant and is a creeper type (recommend to plant in your garden) and long life span compare to other vegetables, not much pests at the moment..except the 'white flies'...if you know what I mean, most vegetables prone to that particular larva-insects...



Sunday, October 13, 2013

Big Feast

~Month of July~

July 16th...abalone treatz with crab, sea cucumber and scallop cake? no big deal!...all I need to put it...a piece of my existance is in their heart....I guess u called it LOVE...however, the dinner were not meant to me, is in conjuction farewell dinner for my uncle....haha..anyway, is great food!

Close up for the mushroom with asparagus, macadamia nuts and lots of fresh cucumber and orange slices....nah, I don't like to eat decorations..:p

July 15th..farewell 'lunch' for my uncle that been living far far away that returning to our hometown...maybe for sometime won't be able see him again...

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Gawai holiday 2013 continued..

An aqua-blue coloration of the lake in Bau, Sarawak
Entrance to the Gua Angin (direct translation => Wind Cave) 


Stalactite & Stalagmites


(left) adventurous dark path..... & (right)is it a bee hive..:p


(left) Skylight (nice name for a & (right) classic root scene from surface plants...


Lots of bats & bats & bats & guano...

(left) Emerge into a forest after the cave exploring experience; (right) oil palm tree lining up
.......deserted pathway.........
~Another cave~

.....view from inside the cave.....


 (left) classic temple-in-cave view........

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Gawai holidays


In front of the entrance to the Plaza merdeka shopping complex in kuching. The simple decoration of the Gawai festival represents new year to the several native ethnic group in this city.
Nature works best even when there's only a wall...but the shrub manage to get its way to the surface of the wall and climbs higher to get the sunlight, their source of energy...
The view of the kuching city in can never miss the DUN building that somehow represents landmark of kuching city...

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Wax apple or known as water apple etc

Wax apple season~
This mini wax apple contain mostly water, prone to disease infection if not taken proper above are some of the wax apples on an abandon tree..nice to see but not to may have worms especially fully ripe ones...only the fully ripen fruits on tree that will bear the little sweet flavors...;)

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Steam mantou bun

Recently have been raining a lot in my the only thing I can think of while managing the time is....try to make some chocolate swirl mantou....

the mantou appearance remind me of the some small snail....kawaii des...but not so good in texture...have to work towards that in future...:)

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Healthy steam cake ^^

~ Steamed choco cake ~                     First trial of steamed cake, hope can bake something fancy for my mum during mother's day!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


~ Successfully germinated seedling ~                The photo in the left are  germinated seedling belong to family Malvaceae and are known as lady's fingers or okra. The species which I planted recently is green color, and previously I have planted the red color which is new variety. ^_^

Monday, April 22, 2013

Lovely wild flower

~ Little wild purple flower ~

Found some wild flower behind office area..manage to grab it before the grass cutter trim all the grass in that area :)

Unusual refraction of natural lights

~ Photo that made my mood ~

Quick snap unusual refracted rays in the left corner of the cloud...

Monday, April 15, 2013

Tour at ease

- Night time -

Going for a night view in Civic Centre (Dewan Suarah Kuching). When reaching for the elevator, the elevator door automatically open and close. The movement automatically repeat each time, open and close, open and close. Seems like the sensor have broken down or others explanation. It felt eerie but I didn't speak up as not to freaked out my friends. Actually before I arrived at this location, I have ask my colleague show me the direction. I was told that there are a few suicide cases at this site...

       I gather my courage to go up and down few times to capture the night scenery with my friends that are not known to the cases. Unfortunately, I can't really get a clear shot as the elevator glass screen is obscured with dirt. When going up, I used the other elevator, as the one broken down can't even shut the door when press 'shut' button. I don't even dare to enter the broken down elevator the first time, but then when going down I lost my way and used the broken down elevator by accidents. Luckily nothing happened.

- Day 1 -

Celebrated my friend birthday in this beautiful beach called Permai beach (next to Damai beach). I hope that the scenery view there may capture my friend heart as much as I do.
There was this little shed by the beautiful seaside.....
After arrived at this amazing location, then I remember I didn't bring any cloth to changed for the water careless...? Nevertheless, it is still worthy to enjoy the tranquility and serenity of this place~
There is this resort near the beach which have swimming pool adjacent to the beach itself. I stealthily move around in the resort without any trouble..seem like I'm not being suspicious of outsider..I even lay myself on the beach chair staring at the sky (photo below).

Came up to this private place is such a fate..There's actually a sign of 'no trespassing' at the gate, but the gate is open. Inside, there are two small house and with some people hanging outside chatting. They notice our presence but did not acknowledge us. So, I spend some time taking in all the mother's nature have to offer which is so breathtaking~
Quick snap of the mesmerizing effect from the beach and the sky~
This beach area is at Santubong village there. The light from the sun is being smeared by the cottony cloud..

I suppose that is the boat the villagers use it to catch fish....
After watch some movie, realize that the temple is full of people. I felt so curious why in this time of the year the temple being fully my friend and I went inside to get a look of what's happening and we saw a lot of senior citizen having a singing, they are so enthusiasm singing the oldies song!